Monday, June 19, 2017


MILITARY GRIP DRILL Stand tall, with a focus on balance and good posture from your head down. After a breath to assist in balance, position the arms at your sides naturally. Grip the club with your left hand as it hangs, intersecting with the clubs handle, directly to the side of your left thigh. This will give you a consistent means to set the proper angle when the club is soled properly. Grip the handle with your last three fingers, wrap your thumb around the right side of the shaft, and raise the club maintaining the grip. With a straight left arm raise the club up to in front of the face, and check club face angle. Continue on to the ARMS TO CHEST drill. Quite often the compulsion to fidget and change the grip during the set-up is a sign of the yips, and must be unlearned. Repeating this drill will help to build confidence is the grip.

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"Golf is no sport, nor game, its a study!" - TOMMIE HONOR'S Written by Kevin Cook

WRITING If anything is going to be accomplished it needs to be measured. Golf is a study. It can be a game, and it is supremely entertain...